Concise Minutes - Children, Young People and Education Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 1 - Senedd

Meeting date: Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Meeting time: 09.01 - 13.00
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:





Assembly Members:

Lynne Neagle AM (Chair)

Hefin David AM

John Griffiths AM

Llyr Gruffydd AM

Darren Millar AM

Julie Morgan AM

Mark Reckless AM


Vaughan Gething AM, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services

Huw Irranca-Davies AM, Minister for Children and Social Care

Jo-Anne Daniels, Welsh Government

Alistair Davey, Welsh Government

Carol Shillabeer, Powys Teaching Health Board

Professor Dame Sue Bailey, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Professor Sally Holland, Children’s Commissioner for Wales

Nia Evans, Policy Adviser on Health and Mental Health, Children’s Commissioner for Wales

Committee Staff:

Llinos Madeley (Clerk)

Sarah Bartlett (Deputy Clerk)

Sarah Hatherley (Researcher)

Sian Thomas (Researcher)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

1.1     The Chair welcomed Members. There were no apologies.




2       Scrutiny of the Welsh Government Budget 2018 - 19


2.1 The Committee scrutinised the Welsh Government on the draft budget. 

2.2 The Cabinet Secretary and Minister agreed to provide a note on:


·         The process adopted by the Welsh Government to establish whether it is appropriate to undertake a Child’s Rights Impact Assessment as opposed to an Integrated Impact Assessment, particularly in the context of the Draft Budget.

·         The funding forecast for the Flying Start, Families First and Communities First programmes.

·         Further information on the Minister’s evidence about the work Welsh Government is doing with 5 pilot local authorities and the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank in respect of evaluating Flying Start outcomes.




3       Inquiry into the Emotional and Mental Health of Children and Young People - Evidence session 1


3.1 The Committee heard evidence from Carol Shillabeer and Dame Sue Bailey.

3.2 Carol Sillabeer agreed to provide a note on the following:


·         The Resilience, Well-being and Early Years work stream directory of best practice which has been published in conjunction with the Early Intervention Foundation.

·         Information on health boards’ participation in the commissioning of general advocacy provision for children and young people in partnership with local authorities and whether there is all-Wales coverage.

·         How many children in Wales are waiting longer than 26 weeks for neurodevelopmental assessments according to the latest figures available, broken down by local health boards.

·         The current staffing establishment (WTE) and vacancy rate for specialist CAMHS in each Health Board and how those figures have changed since the start of the programme and across different groups.

·         The level of Health Board investment in expanding provision for psychological therapies, how many additional WTE specialist posts have been created and what impact this has made in improving access to psychological therapies.

·         The impact of out of hours/crisis support on reducing in-patient numbers.

·         Data on admissions to in-patient care broken down by in-patient setting, including A&E, paediatric wards and adult wards and admissions to in-patient care outside of Wales.

·         Information on the work being done in the Gwent area to reduce admission into A&E.




4       Inquiry into the Emotional and Mental Health of Children and Young People - Evidence session 2


4.1 The Committee heard evidence from the Children Commissioner.

4.2 The Commissioner agreed to provide a note on the following:


·         The correspondence you have had with relevant Cabinet Secretaries regarding the extent of partnership working between the T4CYP and curriculum reform programmes, including a copy of the paper you presented to the T4CYPP and Donaldson advisory groups.

·         Your response to the Welsh Government’s Services Fit for the Future White Paper.

·         A summary of any casework information/case studies drawn to your office’s attention on children and young people’s difficulties in accessing crisis care.




5       Paper(s) to note

5.1     The papers were noted.




5.1   Letter from Minister for Children and Social Care - further follow up to the scrutiny session on 20 July




5.2   Inquiry into the Emotional and Mental Health of Children and Young People - note from visits on 28 September




7       Welsh Government draft budget 2018 - 19 - consideration of the evidence and draft budget report

7.1 The Committee considered the evidence from the session. A draft report would be circulated to Members.
